Contibution to the Learning of Others

This class has actually taught me a lot about myself.


Turns out I think I  am kind of selfish. I appreciated others comments and their contributions to my learning through Twitter, and Slack. However, I really did not prioritize contributing to the learning of others.


Actually, when I look back at my interactions with technology I think it represents my personality. I wouldn’t say I am unfriendly but I am not great at reaching out and starting relationships with peers, (with kids it’s a different story!) I can and do hold good conversations with people when they reach out to me (or comment on my things) but I am not as great at reaching out myself.


That being said there were times I interacted with colleagues in meaningful ways.


Blog Post Comments

One of my favourite things about this course was reading classmates blogs about how their learning projects and commenting some encouragement. It is amazing what my classmates were able to accomplish.


I didn’t use Twitter in the most effective ways. While I liked reading others tweets a lot more than commenting or sharing my own tweets, I did interact with this space a little bit.

I answered questions

engaged in conversations


And started conversations that involved people from all over.










I also shared news about an event I was helping to plan. As a result, I had people come up to me in person to get information.



Slack was an interesting platform as people answered questions I did not even know I had. I was able to help a few classmates using these spaces.


And I was able to get answers to questions I had.


General Concluding Thoughts


What made this class so impactful was the classmates I had in it! The contributions to my learning from my classmates was huge and I feel guilty that I did not give back in ways as big! The best thing about this class is these relationships do not have to end now! It’s exciting that we get to continue learning together. Hopefully, I can pay you back someday!

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